Friday, February 27, 2009

UT Longhorns, Rodeo---Cake Drops!

Last night was spent in a blur. There are cake drops to get ready. In Texas it is the start of THE RODEO...YEEEHAW. So we all strap on our boots and go boot scootin at the BBQ cook off. It is a ton of good food and people watching. In the traditional Texas stereotype we spend three days on monster BBQ ensembles trying to get the recipe that will make the judges melt.

Isn't he cute? If he only knew his fate was to be devoured.

I am donating 500 drops to the rodeo and then a another 100 to the UT Longhorns. I spent the evening drowning in these drops! All for a great cause and completely worth it. The Rodeo drops are still going and it is 8am. Take a look a the Longhorns....they are done!!

Here is the extended family, lined up in good order getting ready to meet their fate. MMMMMM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow...looks great!