Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dinner of Champions, a Highschool Seniors View

Last night was an interesting process. I came in from the grocery store loaded down and Ashley started helping me put things away. During all this she starts talking about how she has been craving a sandwhich with BBQ chips. I was like well get to it. Then I told her we had celery and peanut butter and I thought she was going to pass out with delight. She is a huge fan of what I call insta food - that microwave stuff, you know powdered potatoes, frozen dinners, canned meals. (GAG ME) So I proceed to make a rather amazing salad, courtesy of Pioneer Woman and her blog. I was so engrossed in my salad making and drooling over the flavors that I did not notice Ashley til I was done. Then I saw it, she squealed in delight and declared her dinner EPIC. I will let you be the judge!

Look at this thing...it is huge, you see the height on that baby.

Of Course we had to take a picture of it opened faced. So you can see the hard work. That is ham, turkey, cheese, mayo and yes people BBQ chips. That is her secret ingredient, it would not be EPIC without the chips!

One last parting shot. Are you hungry now???

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